Is it possible to learn English through series and movies?

Learning English by watching movies and series may sound impossible, but audiovisual media turn out to be an important tool in the educational environment; Interaction with this type of material influences the development of language skills and communication skills.

In this article, we explain how learning this language is possible through audiovisual content with which we come into daily contact, such as series and movies.

Advantages of learning English with series and movies

When considering learning English by watching movies and series, it is no secret that audiovisual content is a source of knowledge, therefore, here we list the advantages of learning English through movies:

Exposure to different accents and dialects

The accent in movies and series changes depending on their place of origin, so a student is exposed to a much more diverse and extensive vocabulary.

Visual and emotional context

When watching movies and series, motivation, enthusiasm and interest in learning are accentuated because the content is interesting, fun and stimulating; the learner’s attention to the series and movies creates a relaxed and interesting environment that contributes to making the process more effective.

Acquisition of vocabulary and colloquial expressions

When it comes to learning English, it is relevant to add new vocabulary, this is achieved with audiovisual media, which explain how and when certain ways of speaking can be used.

Improved listening comprehension

When watching series, the auditory expression is improved, because the natural dialogues that take place in a specific environment are being listened to, causing the vocabulary used to have context.

Learning English with series and movies is a fun and easy way of learning, however, by adding Language Planet Toluca courses, you will be able to perfect grammatical structures and level up your language skills.

Hello! I’m Angeles

I have a Bachelors’ degree in B.A. (ITESM) as well as in English Teaching (TDC, IELTS, Ceneval; CAE; CPE). I’ve worked in different companies such as Nestle and P&G as well as in the Public Sector (Contraloria) in addition to teaching English on and off since I was 17. Finally I became a full time teacher 13 years ago when I founded Language Planet Toluca. Teaching English has given me the opportunity to travel around the world, to enroll in a master’s degree in Belgium, to have friends from different countries, to live and study in Canada and to make my dream come true as a businesswoman. Please do not give up learning!

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